Summer holidays are upcoming to an conclusion and information technology is high metre to turn on "back to work" mode. Of course, not all of us had holidays this class, and not all full-grown learners took a break in summertime. But in case you are going to meet your students after the holidays, you need to prepare well for the first lesson. Hera you will find just about tips and ideas on how to have your first online moral with adults. Deterrent example ideas introduced in the article are suitable for Pre-Intermediate+ levels.


  1. The lesson must follow as light and fun American Samoa thinkable.
  2. No new complicated constructions, grammar, mental lexicon or tests.
  3. Positive and relaxed atmosphere.
  4. Sir Thomas More speechmaking activities and games.

Lesson ideas

Task 1 (Warm-up)

  1. Show the pictures of different summer holiday activities to your students and ask them to describe how the people spent their holidays.
  2. Ask them to take one picture show which describes best how the student spent the summer holidays.

First online lesson after summer holidays with adult learners: lesson ideas

Task 2 (Word)

Discuss the questions with your students:

  1. Did you have a vacation this summertime? Did it go the way you had planned?
  2. Did you live anywhere? Where did you go?
  3. Was it the maiden clock time you'd been there? Did you see anything really interesting?
  4. How different were your summer holidays from the previous ones?
  5. Did the pandemic influence the way you spent your holidays? How?

Task 3 (Video)

Ask your students to picke the video and resolve the questions.

  1. How has organizing holidays changed in times of corona? What are the main things that are different now?
  2. Do you think despite all inconveniences information technology is worth travelling nowadays? Why?
  3. Would you rather stay at plate or go on holiday in times of corona?

Task 4

Involve your students to watch the video and answer the question: What are the most popular destinations for travelling in the prison term of corona?


Places that were not touristed before the pandemic and are considered new gems. People tend to choose locations, where few people go.

Task 5

Get your students to watch the video again and mark the sentences True/Off-key/Non mentioned.

  1. The main trend of vacation is getting in your car and staying close to interior.
  2. The places that are in postulate are the most popular gems more or less the commonwealth.
  3. You need to bear two plans while travelling.
  4. Before travel, at that place are some questions you should encounte out from the travel agency and the hotel. For instance:

— Are masks required?

— How are holiday rentals cleansed?

— Are you leaving rooms empty 'tween guests?

— Will people sit out next to me on the sheet?

  1. You shouldn't take kids with you when you go travelling.



— False

— Trusty

— True

— Not mentioned

Task 6

Postulate your students to choose a suitable topic to talk about for 2 transactions.

Provide them with useful mental lexicon.

  1. You shouldn't risk your health for the sake of residue in times of corona.
  2. If I had a chance to re-start my summer holidays, I would…
  3. The best holiday in times of general is being a redact potato.
  4. A somebody gets healthier and stronger due to travelling and having some rest period.
  5. No virus is insidious when you pass your time with your lovely people.

Words to use:  Wear masks, use sanitizers, keep social distance, socialize, to constitute at high risk, socialize, communicate, healthy relationship, immunity, restart one's spirit, online communicating, face to face communication, shake, touching.

Which Way Should the Ceiling Fan Go in Summer
